paragraph : The COVID - 19

 The COVID - 19 pandemic appears to be the greatest global crisis creator of the 21st century . It has unprecedentedly disrupted the lives and living of people all over the world . 

It has shaken the world economy , halted international trade , declined the stock prices of multinational companies . Increased global poverty , affected the educational system and brought about changes in our century old traditional social life . 

Now , the whole world is fighting against this worldwide epidemic . Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are known to cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome ( MERS ) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome ( SARS ) . 

A novel coronavirus is a new strain of coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans . The disease caused by the novel coronavirus was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan , China . 

It has been named coronavirus disease 2019 ( COVID - 19 ) . CO stands for corona , VI for the virus , and ' D ' for disease . COVID - 19 has been described as a pandemic by the World Health Organization.COVID - 19 has pushed the global economy into the worst recession . 

A great many migrant workers are likely to lose jobs and thus remittance flow may decline sharply by 20 percent . It is apprehended that FDI flow will drop down by 35 percent . 

Travel bans will disrupt the tourism economy of many countries . The world could see the number of hungry people double in the aftermath of the crisis . About 135 million people will be in acute food insecurity .

 The COVID - 19 pandemic has affected the education system worldwide , leading to the widespread closures of schools , colleges and universities . COVID - 19 is a potential threat to the entire planet . 

The World Health Organization ( WHO ) and other global public health agencies are fighting this curse unitedly . However , the WHO declared COVID 19 to be a controllable pandemic and continues to provide advice on precautionary practices and ways to stop the spread of the disease .

 Scientists across the world are relentlessly working to invent an effective cure for or vaccine against this evil . We hope they will soon present us with such a cure or vaccine that will help us get rid of this curse for good .

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