COVID - 19 : Symptom and Prevention


( a ) What is COVID - 19 ? 

( b ) How is it caused ?

 ( c ) What are the symptoms ? 

( d ) What is the treatment of COVID 19 ?

 ( e ) What preventive measures can be taken against it ?

 Ans .  COVID stands for Coronavirus Disease . It is termed as coronavirus or COVID - 19 since it first infected humans in 2019. 

Coronavirus primarily spreads through physical contact and respiratory droplets . People with COVID 19 may have a wide range of symptoms .

 These may appear in two to fourteen days after the exposure to the virus . The common signs include fever , dry cough . tiredness . loss of taste or smell . muscle aches , headache , sore throat , runny nose , vomiting , diarrhoea , etc. Some people may experience worsened symptoms like acute shortness of breath and pneumonia . 

Older people and those with underlying medical problems such as heart disease , diabetes , chronic respiratory disease and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness . 

Scientists around the world have invented a number of vaccines in order to boost up our immune system for fighting coronavirus . Some of them are AstraZeneca , Pfizer , Moderna , Sinopharm , Sinovac , Sputnik V , etc. Though Bangladesh has invented a vaccine named Bangavax , it is yet to be applied on human bodies . 

Besides , Molnupiravir , the first oral medicine for COVID - 19 , is now available in our country . Still , preventive measures are the best ways to stay safe from COVID - 19 .

 While going out , we must wear masks to cover our nose and mouth . We should thoroughly and regularly clean our hands with an alcohol - based hand rub or wash them with soap and water . We should avoid touching face , nose and eyes as virus can enter our body through them .

 Moreover , while sneezing or coughing , we should cover our face and nose with a tissue or by elbow . In addition to that , we should maintain social distance of minimum 3 feet .

 Anyone with the possible symptoms must be isolated in order to avoid close contact with others . Therefore , staying safe from COVID - 19 mostly depends on personal hygiene .

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