My Childhood Memories


Ans .  Childhood is the sweetest period in a person's life . I often remember the days of my childhood . 

Whenever I remember those days , I feel very happy and nostalgic . In my childhood , my mother was my first teacher who taught me many things . She was actually my first teacher , who taught me the Bangla and English alphabets . 

I learned how to read and write from her . My elder brother and my neighbouring friends were my playmates . I remember how we used to play hide - and seek , gather plums or guavas that fell from trees and eat them with great relish and pleasure .

 We sometimes quarrelled with one another but became friends again . 

Once I attended the sports day at my elder brother's school . There was a children's race in which I became first . 

It was really a matter of pride for me at that moment . One day , we heard a sad news . We rushed to our grandfather's house .

 I saw my grandfather lying on his bed with a white sheet covering him as if he were sleeping . All were weeping . I wept too . It was the first death scene in my life . It was a very sad event in my life because he loved me very much , told me interesting stories and bought me toys . 

When was only five and a half years old , my father took me to N. Preparatory English School . It was a very happy and exciting day . The Headmistress asked me few questions . At first , I was a bit shy but I could answer all the questions and I was allowed to attend KG classes . 

I made several friends in the school . How happy I was in my childhood days ! The happy memories of those days still fill my heart with great joy . I wish I could go back to those days again .

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