Paragraph : Eco - tourism


( a ) What is tourism ? 

( b ) Define eco - tourism . 

( c ) What are the differences between tourism and eco - tourism ? 

( d ) What are the principles of eco - tourism ? 

( e ) Name some countries that are popular for eco - tourism .

 ( f ) What are the benefits of eco - tourism ?

 ( g ) Mention some criticisms of eco - tourism . 

Ans .  Eco - tourism is broadly defined as low impact travel to endangered and often undisturbed locations . According to the International Eco - tourism Society , eco - tourism refers to responsible travel that conserves the environment and improves the well - being of local people .

 It is different from traditional tourism because it allows the traveller to become educated about the areas - both in terms of the physical landscape and cultural characteristics . 

The principles of ecotourism are beneficial for the world as a whole , given the constantly deteriorating climatic conditions . The principles are - minimizing the impact of visiting the location , building respect and awareness of the travellers for the environment and cultural practices ,

 ensuring a positive experience for both travellers and hosts , providing direct financial aid for conservation , providing financial aid , empowerment , and other benefits for local people , raising awareness of the travellers about the host country's political , environmental and social climate .

 Eco - tourism is popular among Central and South American countries such as Bolivia , Brazil , Ecuador , Venezuela , Guatemala , and Panama . However , there are hundreds of countries where opportunities for eco - tourism exist . 

There are some benefits of ecotourism as well . Ecotourism focuses on unadulterated , pristine natural environments . It builds cultural and environmental awareness . It also encourages a positive experience for visitors as well as hosts . 

Despite the popularity and benefits of eco tourism , it has gone through several criticisms . Increased tourism to sensitive areas without proper planning and management can harm the ecosystem .

 Moreover , eco - tourism has different a negative impact on local communities . Again , it can make the area more dependent on tourism than its domestic economic practices . So , we have to be aware of the adverse effects of eco - tourism and deal with them sensibly .

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